Selling Systems
Business-Rules Engines
Human Services Software
Enterprise Software Development
Corporate Crime Detection & Protection


Larry Hooper, MD, Geneologist & Controller of Cytogenetics, Inc. Larry is the first flight doctor , aerospace medicine, pediatrician. Licensed to practice medicine in Florida, Texas, (Oregon and Washington applied for). Corporate crime fighter, expert investigator. Corporate officer, public companies, securities exchange. Business management expert. Participant in multiple nonprofit organizations. Various degrees, awards, certifications. Investor. Doc Hooper, is a managing founding member of Logic-Sphere, LLC with involvement in administration, public relations, corporate structures, securities management and sales of software, securities, advertising products and disbursements of auto-financial health information to the member body. Company spokesman. Published hourly rate $1,000. profile - Cardio Vascular Sciences - contact

Kenis Argent, Distribution, Treasurer Principal of K&R Insurance (1970). Founding member of ESP, Inc. managing member of Logic-Sphere, LLC. Board of directors member, US Motor Club, Inc. Investor. Chief administrator. Master Distributor License holder for Logic-Sphere's Automotive Selling Systems: Virtual Auto Dealerships©; Virtual Fleet & Lease Office©; AdMakerPro© (AMP) & LeaseAdPro© (LAP); Ken's functions at Logic-Sphere include, but are not limited to, personnel management, dealer management and sales, project planning, product architecture, quality assurance, documentation, and daily operations manager. Published hourly rate $620. profile - K&R Insurance Services - contact

Anthony R. Goodhardt, Principal Software Engineer, Contoller of ESP Tech World Corp, Tony has been in business after college for 51-years.  He has written, over 418 megabytes of code in 11-languages, mostly for the automobile & banking industries, during the last 43-years.  -years. During that time, Tony gained tremendous insight to all business rules and procedures. The convertible code on the shelf, his insight, coupled with his vast business experience, his bank-level security measures, and his personal integrity make Tony a valuable asset to any project. CEP Software Engineer. Published hourly rate $550. bio - résumé

Amber L. Gouldthorpe, Senior Software Engineer, Executive Director of FVLA, Amber is a decendent of world-class engineer parents who speak many languages and build programs all over the world. She brings a diverse international intelligence to the software development group. She directs software distribution and collateral allocations as well as asset (CIP) liquefication. Amber is an engineering team leader and an essential asset to the organization's success. Engineering skills include php, python, ruby, pearl, javascript and NLP. Published hourly rate $500. bio - résumé


Enabled by the contributions of these men, LOGIC-SPHERE donates software, procedures, and services to US Motor, Auto Lease Auctions, Inc. Corporate Crime Fighters Organization, whyHomeless?org and a matrix of government entities, business opportunists and entrepreneurs. You can reach us by phone toll-free:

800 339-6989

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