Beware. Your automobiles are far and away, your most expensive item in life. Not only do they cost more to buy than a house, they depreciate, so your investment is eventually lost. It doesn't matter if you pay cash, finance or lease, you can't stop depreciation. You can pay full asking price, or even double, but you cannot stop depreciation. You can add extended service policies, not drive your car, and still - you cannot stop auto depreciation. Ninety-nine-point-nine-percent (99.9%) end up in the junkyard, usually within thirteen-years or around two-hundred-thousand-miles. Crashes to ashes; rust to dust. No make or model is immune. Worse yet, the cost of maintenance, repairs & routine service has risen sharply since the economic crisis began. The statistics on the most popular vehicle sold in the USA show driving costs (fuel, insurance, taxes, maintenance & repairs) are four-point-five-eight-times (4.58-times) higher than the depreciation during the first five-years of average driving. Here are the numbers on the second five years when your car is more worn, but the depreciation and value to you is less. Paying the upkeep on a middle-aged vehicle you own is usually more expensive than regular payments on a maintenance free vehicle. You are walking while the repairs are being made, and all you get back is an older car. |
If you are going to drive, you are going to pay one way or the other. The average American driver pays one-third (1/3rd) of their post tax income to drive their personal automobile. Unnecessary auto expense is a huge national problem with a profound negative effect on the U.S. economy. We present crossbred lease financing which allows you to pay a small monthly payment while you drive the vehicle you really want while your savings compound and the payoff goes down at the same rate as the vehicle depreciates. YOUR SOLUTION Cut your cost-to-have in half and cut your cost-to-drive by one-third. We feature tailor-made hybrid lease financing that enables you to drive the car you really want during the prime of its life with no maintenance and repairs, then decide if it is the one-in-one-thousand you want to keep forever. If you do buy it after the lease, your total cost-to-own counting the lease payments will be several thousand less than if you paid cash on delivery. Do the math yourself to be sure. Leasing is not good in all zip codes due to local tax regulation. Leasing is not good on every vehicle; they all depreciate at a different rate at different times. Leasing is not good for everyone. You are an individual with driving needs and habits just as unique as your fingerprint. You may have advantages like super-low annual mileage or you might have the time, know-how and tools to work on your own vehicles. Restoration of a classic automobile has become a viable solution. You will be smart to use our tools and services on every vehicle you are considering. It has been said, "Nobody knows more about the Auto Sales & Lease Industry than its computer programmers." We say, "Nobody knows more about how you should pay for your autos than you." Therefore we present a fine array of pre-bid products and services free to use by forward-thinkers to determine their best deal. Welcome! BUYER'S TOOLKIT Buyers System© Save an additional $750 just by using this web site. You probably don't realize we are already saving money for you. This is the only place in the world where you can negotiate a pre-owned vehicle loan, cash purchase agreement or a pre-owned lease purchase entirely online. You will save sixty-hours (according to CNN) of shopping dealership-to-dealership in person. You are saving fuel and time. Time is money. Time better spent with your family, on your hobbies or at work. Security 1st! - You@autoleaseauctions.com Email & A Full Feature Toll Free Soft-Phone expand your market nationwide while protecting your personal id, location and email. The full POP email address w/forwarding is furnished so you can shop and compare elsewhere on Internet. The soft-phone with video and/or screen-share conferencing provides the secure medium you need to conduct business, protect your family, and save hours-and-hours of time. Send & receive calls through your cell. Conference with sellers who will take you for a video test drive in vehicles too far away to go see in person. MyCarQueue© is your personal password protected workspace at Auto Lease Auctions where your vehicles, favorites, research, reports, bids, correspondence... everything, is organized. This technology gives you control of your auto financial decisions because all the information is there. No hidden charges. No pressure. You can negotiate online 24/7, which prevents sellers from interrupting your family and work schedules. Online Trade Analyzers serve multi-functions in addition to determining the true wholesale and retail value of your vehicle. You can maximize your return by listing it for lease at Auto Lease Auctions and feed retail ads to any of the major classified web sites in a broad area. Simultaneously, you can feed wholesale listing sites to gain interest from licensed sellers who are ISO your make and model for a pre-sold customer. If you are upside/down, a feed is made to our DES©, see below. The fact is used car inventories are down 35% due to the lack of new-vehicle sales since 2008. Your car will never be worth more than it is right now. Auto Financial Calculators allow you to run hundreds of "what if scenarios" on any number of vehicles to ensure the lowest cost to have, drive and own. Put in your trade or sell it outright, request cash-back or enter a down payment to get instant results. You can also run "test-bids" to discover if the seller will accept your bid to lease, finance, or pay cash for the vehicle. Get the facts. Save $1,000's! 3rd-Party Condition Reports guarantee the current condition of each auto in writing or we get our money back. Made by an ASE certified by the brand of car, these extensive reports give details like the tire tread at a 32nd of an inch. Condition determines value and condition dictates upcoming service, maintenance and repairs based on your mileage. An accountable condition report is the most over-looked ingredient of a great car deal. Optional Cash-Back on Delivery is available on most leases and a few finance contracts. You get a check for the amount you included in your lease when you pick up your vehicle. You can spend the money on anything, make modifications, pay payments, hold it for upcoming repairs and maintenance or spend it on an unrelated item. You can keep the cash if you terminate your lease early or you may pass it on to entice a lease takeover driver. BUYER SERVICES Your Dream Car Is Here! Tell us what you want. We have instant access to over 580,000 vehicles every month through a highly-automated process. We may buy your car or truck at the wholesale, dealer-only auto auctions or find it at DealersLink®, then lease it to you. You can bet after 40-years, we are not going to make a mistake on price or condition. Our SOP is to start your lease as close to the real wholesale value so you seldom, if ever, owe more on your vehicle than it is worth so you can trade with us often. The NetWorkForce™ staff includes auction reps, research analysts and senior analysts equipped and trained to help you online at any time day or night. They can punch the keys and read the outcome to buyers who are on their way to the airport, in between court sessions or jump rooms or give understanding to those who haven't the time to read the information for themselves. It is the NetWorkForce™ that performs the extra sales functions so that your price from the seller excludes the traditional cost of sales like sales commissions, lot fees, inventory costs, house-pack and finance fees. Trade Disposal Service is offered by auto sales professionals who have all the tools and know how to maximize your trade value for you. Simply fill out an online appraisal form. Deficit Elimination Service© systematically removes trade inequity without a loss or cost or future liability to you or the lender regardless of how upside-down you are. Simply fill out our online appraisal form and submit. NEXT STEP Compare the cost-to-have, cost-to-drive & cost-to-own of traditional auto buying to our hybrid lease solution:
We look forward to having you in our portfolio! |
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