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ESP technology includes a franchise-like, enterprise business, a fully automated auto-lease auction and university-grade curriculum because an auto transaction is the most complex sale on earth. A proper auto lease is eleven times more complex than an auto sale. The complexity of a used vehicle lease is multiplied by additional residual value calculations and the discovery of the real condition of the vehicle at the inception of the lease. Among many intellectual properties created during the last four-decades, ESP owns the only copyright for Used Vehicle Leasing Systems worldwide, #TX4498218 © 1994. The industry and American consumers are readily equipped with used vehicle lease programs to solve all their problems.

Auto Lease Auctions is the premier technical solution, a culmination enveloping more than forty-three-years of auto-lease sales & software engineered under the direction of the leaders of the world's greatest lessors. Buyers, sellers, lenders and vendors can do anything at this 3-way-bidding peer auction from the comfort of their computer console. The Auto Lease Auctions, Inc. website is a workshop, sandbox and utopia marketplace. ALA is an aggregate of unbiased, multilateral complex-event--processors chained in an order according to user type and input. The system©, and every module in it, are jointly and severally portable for any lawful purpose. You really need to see the domain to grasp and control the potential and power of this ultra-high-tech IP.
Ultimate Buyers' System - Shoppers save time and money, and get the vehicle they really want at Auto Lease Auctions. Anyone can request searches & quotations on any number of vehicles for comparison and consideration. ALA locates dream-cars in the vast inventories of the wholesale, dealer-only auto auctions where the selection is the greatest, the condition is guaranteed and the prices are fresh.

Personal transportation is everyone's single-most expensive item in life. Leasing is not for everyone, not good on every vehicle, cost more in some geographies and circumstances; but proper leasing costs way less in most situations and will save around $200,000 per person during an average driving lifetime. Therefore, every vehicle, driver, condition and contingency should be carefully studied every time an acquisition is contemplated. Auto Lease Auctions is a fully automated, full disclosure matrix marketing system© where buyers can tailor and compare personal/fleet options and make decisions 24/7 prior to seller/lender interaction.
Every shopper is furnished with a myCarQ© workspace, POP email, phone, text, fax and more to buy, lease, sell or trade upon becoming a member, which costs nothing. Shoppers become members when they submit a driver's profile comprised of eight non-personal entries used to customize their quotations and determine their personal best deal. Buyers sell themselves after reviewing the facts contained in eighteen reports on each proposed transaction.

Auto Lease Auctions is also their research center for retailing personal vehicles and trade disposal with or without equity as described in the Deficit Elimination System© below. ESP was one of the first companies to code the Millennium Digital Commerce Act back in 1994, so different and better than any other website, buyers can safely complete a lease transaction online under the full protection of the law.
Ultimate Sellers' System - Auto sellers get exactly what they want from ALA, which is a volume of profitable transactions with no investment, no work, no risk and no hassle. Nothing like an Internet sales department, much more complete than the best classified advertising site and the opposite of lead-generation websites, delivers complete deal packages via a Dealer Participation Agreement with a Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© defined below. Additionally, licensed auto dealers can lease a Showroom Selling System© and/or lease ESP's Virtual Leasing Dealership© also defined below.

Auto sellers also have a multi-function workQueue©, staff profiles, full RingCentral® communications integration and several tool-sets in the ALA marketplace. Sellers – including dealers, private-sellers, remarketers and VFLO© owner/operators – post listings on ALA with a program called an Ad Maker Pro©. AMP© simultaneously creates up to thirty advertisements, and produces programs such as the AutoSentry© greeting system, the Virtual Auto Salesman© and the Online Sales Desk©. Each listing provides customers (not prospects!) for the whole model line by associating vehicles as they arrive at auction while the ads run.
NetWorkForce™ - Anyone with basic computer skills and a clean PC can operate this system and manage the outcome efficiently from any high-speed Internet connection. ALA includes full training and management software and procedures with payroll and continuing education for remote research analysts and sales secretaries. See and below for more information.
All-in-all there are twenty-five "buyer-types", each with its own demographics, workload, profit and benefits. The system© identifies each shopper at the threshold, assigns a ready, able & willing (RAW) number to each, then places them in order of viability in the senior analysts' workQueues©. The RAW is automatically adjusted as events occur, which establishes an excellent customer/inventory/funding management system, which enables expert output from non expert employees.
A good deal has to work out for everyone or it falls apart leaving the seller to pay for the attempted expense. ESP's online sales strategy is based on consumers making intelligent, informed decisions in their personal time-frame. Therefore, the marketplace constantly monitors the vital statics of visitors and notifies the staff via email or text with information about how and when to close each sale or lease.
This platform is a sandbox, proving-ground and regulator for the industry to design, test and expand economic solutions:
- What if all used car leases were written by one company who was also responsible for residual-value losses?
- What are the benefits of leasing classic cars - 1966 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible LT2?
- What if a Manheim Auto Auction vehicle inspection and guarantee was mandatory for every UVL?
- What are the effects of leasing older models, especially high-end, low-mile beauties?
- Would the economy benefit from longer lease terms and/or lease extensions?
- Is there a legal way to trade and upside-down vehicle without a loss, cost, roll-over or future liability?
Ultimate Lenders' Solution - ESP technology provides lease-lenders with a no-to-low cost medium for distributing & managing lease programs in a controlled area. AutoSentry© ensures a low look-to-book ratio. Real time residual calculation, fair early termination policies and the Deficit Elimination System© insure no losses ever, thereby a great reduction in cost of risk management.
Economic Tsunami Solution - Forward-thinkers, industry-leaders, economists and investment advisors know the prevalent glut of high-priced lease-return vehicles flooding the market is enough to wreck the economy worse than ever before; we know bigger waves are coming in the next three-years; and we know incentivized leasing must continue for now or the economy will crash immediately. At present, ESP is the only profitable solution for the prevailing problems by providing technical solutions, manpower and automated marketpaces. For the future, Economic Solution [Intellectual] Properties are a melding of new & used, good & bad leasing to stabilize the economy once and for all. ESP is also the machinery for calming the off-shore super-tsunamis before they make land. Please read about the incentive-intervention programs below.

In addition to a legal lease assumptions, and as a replacement for rolling inequity into a subsequent vehicle lease, the Deficit Elimination
System© is a highly profitable intervention service to payoff any amount of trade deficit without a cost or loss to any party. DES©, which has been up-and-running at Auto Lease Auctions & the US Motor Club for many years, solves the immediate problems for the upside/down driver, the over-extended lender and the unaware residual-value insurer by generating a volume of wholesome business on the same or similar year, make and model automobile. Part of the profit of each new transaction is used to pay off the deficit, then the original vehicle is marketed fairly through lease, retail or wholesale means.
DES© is quadrupaly-fruitful. Higher deficits, require a higher volume of "spin--off" transactions that generates more profit for the VFLO© program operators and the lenders that fund the new business. Recognize the added benefit for the industry and the economy as a significant reduction of off-lease vehicles of that type in the area, which enables and encourages a number of new-vehicle sales/leases of that type. Here is how it works:
- The driver submits a Lease Analyzer Form or a Loan Analyzer Form
- The analyst researches:
- the customer's payoff compared to the current value to find the deficit at wholesale and retail levels, and decide the buy-down amount. I.e., a deficit of $7,500 would necessitate at least 10 spin-off transactions each donating $750 of their profit.
- the cost and availability of similar vehicles at auctions in the area. I.e., all Camaro's, Mustang's & Challenger's of the same year & two year's newer would be included.
- An orthodox lease is constructed with the payoff as the capital cost.
- A lease is made-up for the same car at auction with the current wholesale value as the capital cost.
- An Auto Lease Auctions Listing© is made with the "Lease Me Now" payment equal to retail (#3) and a "Minimum Bid" payment equal to wholesale plus fair profit (#4).
- The ALA Listing© is promoted by various means listed in the Origination section of the VFLO© Operator's Manual.
- ESP attaches a unique-number to each visitor's account when they land on the Listing©. Bids less than the Lease Now amount are offered a better car at auction for a lower payment than they bid. The auction car is better because it has lower mileage or is newer, and has a guaranteed condition report from the auction.
- The capital-cost of the original-vehicle lease is reduced by the donation from each spin-off transaction and the ALA Listing© is republished with a lower Lease Me Now payment until the offer attracts a consumer or the vehicle can be sold for wholesale at the auction.
ESP is known for developing software that turns liabilities into assets. The DES© is a chief example of averting disaster by chopping down waves of unorthodox lease return vehicles early and spreading out the time vehicles arrive at auction. There are millions of candidates; each campaign develops an ever-growing number of sales with referrals and repeat business. |

The Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© is a stable platform for practical application of pre-owned orthodox leasing at every level of the automobile ecosystem. Historically, lease-lender bankruptcies and dealer leasing system failures were caused by sales staff turnover after training and by organic changes in our clients' dealerships - like going public. Factory lease incentives dominate the showroom since the financial crisis. Today, UVL has no representation at the point-of-sale in franchised dealerships. Manufacturers' desire and ability to incorporate UVL into their marketing plan are slim and none. In other words, the chance of success by traditional implement of the used-car leasing solution at the dealership level is very low, would be extremely expensive and take a very long time.
“You will never be successful trying to fix the sales you lost because you can never know what you or somebody else did wrong. To be successful in auto sales you have to focus on the sales you made, see what you did right and replicate it.”
- Bob Catterson, Auto Dealer, Trainer, TV Personality
VFLO© provides the solution to the whole industry as a standalone, enterprise business like a franchise, except better. With a VFLO© you can write thousands of pre-owned orthodox leases to the vast unserved market sectors; without it, you cannot write even one. The technology is dynamically different and eminently better for each and every party involved in complex auto-transactions, be it a lease, loan or cash deal, online or in person. This is an electro-mechanism that converts complicated auto-financial problems into reformed commerce with enormous savings of money and time. It is a no-cost solution for the industry because the dealer's profit, the entire expense and profit of the Owner/Operators' and their employees, is garnered from the savings it creates.
“You will never be successful trying to fix the host of system installations that failed. To be successful in the computer business you have to create a pure host and replicate it.”
- Tony Goodhardt, PSE of ESP
Since VFLO© is the paragon for practical application of pre-owned orthodox leasing, ESP need only concern itself with the cost, distribution and use of the pinnacle program. To facilitate rapid deployment defined in Part B below, the VFLO© website is equipped with a cost & profit analyzer and a complete set of documents to apply, sign-up and get training online.
To make it fast, easy and fun, ESP leases the Virtual Fleet & Lease Office© to the owner/operator with a written guarantee of usability and profitability, so there is no initial cost and no risk to obtain the selling system©. This is no joke, "we got a million of 'em!"
The software leases are ESP's primary source of income. The debt-securities combined with our copyright, commercial intellectual properties and intellectual capital define the value of ESP's stock, which is vitally important for provision of auto-lease funding described in Part C below. |

We learn home economics in school, and business economics in college, why is auto economics not taught when automobiles are the single most expensive item in life and business? is a university grade curriculum for the NetWorkForce™, companies, dealers, lenders, vendors, auction personnel, government agencies and the general public to learn the best ways to save and make money. The industry's best customer is an informed shopper. Once a person learns the benefits they become an invaluable client for life and often teach others about leasing. The site includes eight articles on the front page and covers thirty-four topics in the knowledgebase.
Auto Economics is a money-maker by direct-connection to Auto Lease Auctions for students research and proving of generic strategies. And AE is a money-saver by providing training to the NetWorkForce™ online without a cost or human interaction; and a time-save for shoppers, their employers and sellers at the point-of-sale. ESP intends to distribute the material to universities to include as a tuition college course. |

Auto Financial Advisers is an orthodox lease certification program. The website is a placeholder for enrollment, training, certification & registration. Certified leases are an up-sell product and a valuable service to the consumer, lender and residual value insurance company.

Only certified advisers can approve a lease contract when ESP is providing the funding. Certified Auto Financial Advisers are paid to review leases before the lessee takes delivery to ensure the lease kit is in compliance for funding. Auto Lease Adviser provide additional protection for residual value insurance and they may guarantee certain aspects of the driving-plan to the consumer for an increase in monthly payment. ALA's earn money, build wealth and are paid royalties by saving money for the parties, but may have to repay earned income for errant authorizations or failure to provide guaranteed services. |

Beginning in 1998, on request of a Manheim Marketing Strategist at the time Cox Automotive purchased, ESP produced UVL promotional material for the consignor's use at auction and a retail lease advertising kit & leasing service for the buyer/dealer.
- Auctioneer text announcing availability of a lease on the vehicle with specific payments which were pre calculated on the consignor's asking price plus a specific profit amount.
- A dashboard handbill stating lease availability, credit tiers, terms and conditions, omitting specific payment information, but referring the reader to our leasing service 800 number.
- A two-sided rear-view mirror hanger advertising lease payments in comparison to finance with a down payment on A-tier credit, lease availability with credit tiers/required disclosure and lease quotation service 800 phone number.
- Complete ad text for with specific payments, government required disclosures, and residual value update service.
- Lease text similar to the auctioneers text for the comments section of the presale listing.
- 8.5 x 11 image ads listing lease payments with a 10% down payment, with $0 down payment and with 10% cash-back on delivery - primarily for publication at Craigslist.
These sales tools have been upgraded with many features since that time, so they should be useful at the auctions and OVE today to increase lease awareness, stabilize prices and increase volume of sales of off-lease vehicles. |

ESP's Showroom Selling Systems© (SSS) are the seventh generation of NVL software first installed in dealerships in 1985, upgraded with UVL in 1994, converted to a web-server format in 1998. This is a front-end, manager-closer selling system that produces buy vs lease information in print for shoppers who are in the dealership. It prints promotional material for the vehicles, showroom and local area. SSS© is for franchised dealer used-car sales desk use only. All others, see the VFLO© and the Dealers Online Selling System©, which is made for franchise dealership Internet department's use.
- This primary use of this system is by auto sales professionals at step four, negotiations, in the typical Key Royal "Road to a Sale" after the manager determines the shopper is qualified to lease if they so choose to do so. Instead of haggling over price and trade values, the salesperson presents the buyer with an A/B buyer's order, full-disclosure finance payment with required down payment on the left; full-disclosure lease payment on the right, with lawful price, trade and government regulated information included; and the agent says nothing.
- Also known as the silent selling system, it prints lighted rear-view mirror hanger advertisements. The in-vehicle ads are special because they generate lease business without ruining finance business, which had been a problem forever before.
- The SSS© is used recover lost market sectors in the dealers local area, namely 29% of the 89% of shoppers who left the dealership without buying a car during the previous six-months.
- The Deficit Elimination System© is included, which enables profitable business with local consumers who are so buried in their current car that they cannot trade through conventional means. DES© taps the largest market segment - about twenty-seven million American drivers - where you have no competition.
- Used vehicle leases are also presented to service department customers to abate the high cost of repairs as stated in Part 2 of this document and the Origination Step of Section I "Eight Steps On The Road to a Virtual Sale" in the VFLO© Owner's Manual.
- The system is used to receive and process shoppers who were attracted by specific local area lease promotions like college programs and print media - again with provisions to protect loss of finance payment buyers.
- The Showroom Selling System© multiplies profits by notifying clients and encouraging short-cycle repeat-business.
This system runs independently of the house system and may be used to manage "rolling inventory" and process lease information for a local "dream-car locating service." Training is included, the system can be leased or paid for with per-deal fees, with guarantees of accuracy and productivity.. The SSS© is for savant leasing professionals and franchise dealerships who demand auto transactions are conducted in the agency. |

The Virtual Leasing Dealership© (VLD) is primarily for Internet departments of franchised dealerships to attract web shoppers into the store for processing with their Showroom Selling System© on their inventory. This system is unique among all others because, in addition to special listings at Auto Lease Auctions, it includes:
- "Lease Me Links" for their website inventory pages. Similar to online finance payment quotes, these add-in modules are better because they sell leasing and qualify the shoppers online in the same fashion as Auto Lease Auctions Online.
- "Lease Me Badges", which are similar to Links' but go onto the dealer's classified advertisements at other sites including wholesale listings like Online Vehicle Exchange.
- Special advertising tools for the dealer's inventory where the monthly payment is published instead of the price. In example Craigslist, the 4th largest car shoppers' web site in the world, the best immediate advertising source becomes highly effective with regulation z compliant lease advertisements bringing in about eight-times more buyers than price advertising.
- Incorporated "PIPE's", which are special email responders that recognize the sender's origin, then return mail with specific lease information on the vehicle, or a range of vehicles if none was requested, and links to more information, which enters the new client into the dealership's internal AutoSentry© program for qualification and assessment. ESP's PIPE's jump through email safety relay--servers like Craigslist and respond only to (human) public address.
- Campaign advertising material to attract special interest in leasing like inequitable shoppers for the Deficit Elimination Program©, the college student & parents conference seminar, free dream-car locating service and Powder-Puff Lease Training Courses held at the dealership..
- Planned Response Advertising Material for local area lease advertising that generates more manageable clients from newsprint, radio, TV, the dealer's web site and online classified advertising - mass advertising. These promotions drive traffic to a "tube" where non-events are eliminated, later-events are preserved in a schedule, and today's qualified buyers are scored and sorted by a RAW number (ready, able, willing) in a list of things to do by the sales department.
Some accounts are better processed online then brought to the dealership for delivery. ESP furnishes sales tools, dealerQ's, email accounts, special phone numbers, paperwork and more for both online and showroom sales and leasing of dealer inventory in the local area. These promotions may be attached to professional lease services of a VFLO© for additional manpower to cover busy times, off-hours and adjacent geographies.
This system runs independently of the house system. Training is included, the system can be leased or paid for with per-deal fees. The VAD© can be obtained with or without the SSS©. Both are built for savant leasing professionals and franchise dealerships who demand auto transactions are conducted in the agency. |

Lease Lender Systems© are multi-source, multi-credit-tier compliance, funding and lockbox software systems for new and used auto leases.They calculate 360-day and 365-day year contracts. This program to be used by, and installed in, banks & financial institutions and the ESP lease clearinghouses as they are established. The software was developed in 1989 for LEASESERVE USA in Smyrna Georgia during the time of Savings & Loan Companies. This program, who's current status is terminate-stay-ready (TSR), will have a high value to the industry as new & old lenders reenter the UVL arena to benefit from pre-owned orthodox leasing as the solution for the impeding flood of lease-return vehicles.
ESP will establish and maintain a number of negotiable stock certificates in attorneys' escrow equal to cover any potential loss incurred by a compliant lease-lender in the event:
- A vehicle lease funding package prepared by an ESP Selling System© fails compliance and will not cash on presentation to the lender. Losses incurred include earned income and an amount to cover lender's published hourly rate of operation.
- A loss is incurred by the lender at scheduled end of the lease, upon early termination, or repossession termination, of an orthodox lease because the residual value was set too high by an ESP system© affecting the monthly amortization amount. Notwithstanding lessee contractual obligations, after ESP has been granted full access to account information, the leased vehicle information, including driver and lender cooperation in an effort to make a retail disposal, lease assumption, or payoff the lease; for no less than sixty-days, the collateral may be transferred to the lender in an amount equal to the loss upon lender disposal including incidental expense.
- A loss occurs on the account of a lessee who's credit-approval ESP guaranteed after after ESP has been granted full access to account information, the leased vehicle information, including driver and lender cooperation in an effort to make a retail disposal, lease assumption, or payoff the lease; for no less than sixty-days, the collateral may be transferred to the lender in an amount equal to the loss upon lender disposal including incidental expense.
- A loss occurs due to an error or omission in ESP's Lease-Lender© or Lender-Lock-Box© systems.

ESP's real-time/real-use Vehicle Residual Value© calculators solve the root problem of the benchmark guide company publishing two residual value projections with a $5,200+ difference on the same vehicle at the same time; while every other auto lease guide produces a different lease-end-value (LEV) on that VIN. And, problems with the same standard guide projecting residual values with an $11,000+ difference on the same vehicle & term one year apart. And, financial deficits because many times 36-month residuals are higher than 24-months. And, the problem of average lender losses as high as $3,187 per unit at lease return with industry-wide losses exceeding $20,000,000,000.00, which exhausted the reserves set aside for residual value insurances, during times when residuals were inflated in the recent past.
ESP's new program creates the UVL residual for each lease at the time of delivery based on the actual values recorded in the current Manheim Market Report with adjustments for where the vehicle has been driven and the atmosphere of where the car will be driven in addition to actual mileage, current condition, garaging, intended use, number of drivers, occupants, habits and other factors.
- This program enables ESP to guarantee residual values are accurate without hesitation.
- A lease can be made on any vehicle with a condition guarantee from Manheim, regardless of age, thus greatly enhancing the solution for the waves of lease-return vehicles.
- In conjunction with orthodox lease structures, lease terms may be extended to longer than 60-months under the rules of the Treasury, taking advantage of excellent manufacturing and $billions spent by Americans for maintenance and repairs.
Auto lease software comprises 59% of ESP holdings. These 10 programs represent about 67% of the auto division technology. Early enterprise-value appraisals will be based upon auto-lease industry IP only, but stock certificates encompass all capital including R&D. Contact us for the complete catalog.
This page about our products should be supplemented with contact with the ESP software engineers to understand the full earning potential for the shareholders. Please contact us by email,, or telephone, 800 339-6989.
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144 RAILROAD AVE 213 EDMONDS, WA 98020 |
Confidential - Proprietary