Welcome to the ESP (example) prospectus for industry opportunists, shareholders, employees, educators and students seeking in depth corporate information and/or investment opportunities:
- ESP Private Placement Memorandum ended November 15th 2018. We are leaving the data up as an example and for financial research. ESP reserves its rights to extend this PPM and/or run another placement offer under Regulation D of the SEC code.
- We've chosen Title II Regulation A for the mini IPO to liquefy corporate stock for collateral/leverage/warehousing. This strategy creates auto-lease funding as needed while the stock value optimizes pythagorically. IPO (Reg A) for more info.
- ESP's pool-fund is reformed lease lending. ESP shareholders' dividend reinvestment, outside and sectional depositors are welcome. Investors manage their own deposits, returns and withdrawals with the fund software program©, lenders-lockbox©, real-time residual value calculators, additional insurance, vehicle disposal mechanisms, and target market definitions. Click POOL Funding.
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