Perpetual Self-Funding
There is virtually no competition in the Used Vehicle Leasing funding arena. Under the natural laws of financial relativity, heterodox lease dynamics have automatically created an immense opportunity for pre-owned orthodox lease lessors and investors. There are no better investments in America than debt-securities – especially annuities-due. ESP's technology, tactics and securities create perpetuity in a broader, deeper and denser spectrum with little-to-no risk.

The first advantage comes from ESP Seek n Sell Campaigns© which target only high-yield / low-risk corporations, professionals and individuals. The word "risk" has one-hundred meanings. Risk is eliminated when a lease can be terminated or transferred without cost at any time. Thereby, a C-grade-credit applicant may have a lower risk-quotient and pay a higher yield. This is important because the top-credit-tier targets are incarcerated in unorthodox leases – which has been the only option available to them until now.

In addition to computerized controls, Auto Financial Advisers™ are duty bound to construct wholesome "driving plans" for each client at inception or they can lose more than their commission and their certification maybe revoked. Per account monthly, changes in mileage, status, desire, need or ability to pay are recognized by ESP automation such as Auto Lease Pit Stops© and Auto Lease Checkups©. VFLO© documentation reveals customer service begins at lease inception and lasts throughout the driving-lifetime. Every driver retains their myCarQ© to maintain their account information. Lower-credit, higher-risk accounts require on-board GPS with vehicles status reporting. For 35-years in search of profit, ESP spiders crawl the drivers' databases finding good reason to trade early and report to the The NetWorkForce™ who's perpetual income is based upon such trade.

The risk-factor for new-vehicle leasing is much higher for every credit-tier, increasing significantly toward the end of the model year as prices increase and pent-up depreciation occurs in the moment they become used-cars. Smart investors will notice smart lessors, like Toyota, run lease specials at the beginning of the model-run to avoid this problem.
Smart investors should realize the ESP auto-lease funding opportunity is doubly-fruitful as an offset on the balance sheet against investment in unorthodox lease paper where the risk of loss is near 100%, customer satisfaction is around zero and chance for repeat business is based upon financial entrapments, which only perpetuate the financial crises worldwide.
“Tony, nobody should be allowed to write residual values unless they guarantee them out of their own pocket.”
Doug Aiken, Automotive Lease Guide (ALG) - 1998
"As a dealer in Port Angeles, Wash., in the 1950s, Jim Aiken developed a process that became known as indirect auto lease financing. After obtaining a line of credit from his bank, Aiken evaluated lease customers' credit histories, forecast their vehicles' residual values and collected monthly lease payments. In 1964 Aiken formed Automotive Leasing Group, which bought leases from other dealers..." -
ESP auto-lease funding program is a venue for investors to benefit from indirect financing without direct responsibility for residual values. The Realtime Residual Value Calculator develops accountable residual values, which are insured two ways: by RVI Group and by ESP securities in escrow and warehouse for the gap if any exists at scheduled termination. Unprecedented, unavailable to investors in unorthodox leases, this reformation combines the benefits of direct and indirect leasing while eliminating the risk of errant residual projections and the astounding high cost of risk-management several years after the fact.

A secure portal for section lease funding is enabled by the capabilities of the Online Lender Systems© in union with the Virtual Fleet & Lease Offices and other selling systems©. Section lease funding has existed since the 1980's when GECAL processed BMW, Mitsubishi and other lease paper along with their own. ESP, a GECAL dealer and computer programmer of all auto-lease lenders at the time, has maintained the multi-lender selling systems© down through the ages.
This is particularly important to factory lease lenders faced with overwhelming lease-return inventories. They, or any auto-lease fund investor, may curtail their pledge to certain makes, years, models, rates, risk-factors, dealers and conditions to custom tailor ROI. This is the only known solution for practical application of pre-owned orthodox leasing now being recognized by the industry leaders and investment advisers. Sectional opportunity for dealer groups who wish to fund only leases written within their dealerships is provided by the same software and rule-set.

ESP is glad to be first to invest in this field and proud to use its assets to guarantee success for investors in orthodox auto lease funding. A separate program has been built for investors and financiers to manage their holdings in auto lease funding activities above and ESP securities below. If your measure is money, take peace-of-mind in this automation, which allows immediate withdrawal of unused auto-lease funds.
ESP's life-long dedication to creating auto-lease industry solutions is never more evident than when it commits its entire enterprise value to create pre-owned auto lease funding. Historic market-value appraisals prove ESP could lease all 4.4 million off-lease vehicles by itself according to Robert Malt, an accredited business appraiser. By the numbers, only $84 billion need be available to do that. Under federal (SEC) and international (IFRS) laws, the company's intellectual capital will be converted to financial capital at a rate equal to the demand for direct auto lease funding, minus the amount of outside investment for auto lease funding, plus the amount of reserves for guarantees and insurances to indirect auto lessors.